
Printable Holiday Tag Freebie

Today I would like to give you a printable tags and card freebie. This tags are used to provide Eid ul-Fitr greetings. Yes, I'm a Moslem. As a Moslem, this month I'm doing fasting. And a few more days Moslems around the world will celebrate Eid ul-Fitr, the holiday which celebrates the conclusion of the thirty days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadhan.

Just click on the image above and right-click to save it. Print onto thick card stock and write your message on the back. Feel free to use it for Eid ul-Fitr parcel tag or as greetings card.

The green small square image on the greeting card is a picture of Ketupat. It is a rice cake boiled in a rhombus-shaped, packed with plaited young coconut leaves. Ketupat is a traditional food served by Malays in Shouteast Asia at open houses festive occasions such as Eid ul-Fitr. During Eid ul-Fitr in Indonesia, ketupat is often served with opor ayam (chicken in coconut milk), accompanied with rendang, sambal goreng ati (spicy beef liver), krecek (buffalo skin dish), and sayur labu siam (chayote soup).

Yum yum yum..can wait for Eid! Hahaha.. :))



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The downloadable images in this article are free for personal use only, not for commercial use.
Please do not distribute any of my downloadable files. If you are kind enough to blog
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DO NOT link directly to a downloadable file but rather to this page. Thanks :))


  1. Hello Pratya! I just discovered your blog! Your ribbon embroidery project looks beautiful! Congratulations!

  2. Hi,
    thank you for the freebies! im so glad ive found your blog. Barakallah for you :) Happy fasting days ahead!


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